This Is The One That Didn't Win The Prize

This Is The One That Didn't Win The Prize by Writer Number One  Audiobook
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Sounded Synthetic Narration Audiobook 9 mins | Fiction

This Is The One That Didn't Win The Prize

Synthetic Narrated Audiobook

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A short story about belonging. And love. But before that a bit of chat about Writer Number One and how he ended up on The title of the piece is because the short story didn't win the first prize out of the thousands entered into London Evening Standard's 2023 short story competition. It came twelfth. That was a little upsetting. I really had me heart set on coming in at number eleven. Why not have a listen and see what you think?


# Title Duration
0. Opening

0 mins 26 secs

1. Chapter 1

3 mins 13 secs

2. Chapter 2

5 mins 35 secs

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“Thougth provoking”

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